Wednesday, 22 April 2015

MoBa - French Asian Bakery

Just today I came across this place on instagram. Where else would I find it, duh?

MoBa is a French Asian bakery not too far from Goodge Street station. The image that led me to further investigations was that of a hot beverage and what appeared to be a croissant with a green - YES A GREEN - tinge.

'Could it be?' I thought. 'Could it really be a matcha infused croissant?!'

I WUZ RIGHT. Cool, heh?! 

Turns out they also do a matcha green tea BROWNIE. EH?! I mean, to be honest, I'm not a connoisseur of all things green and matcha, infact, I've never even tried matcha. But I do,now, rather enjoy green tea amongst other herbal offerings, which is the reason behind my interest. It looks like a really exciting and interesting place, really quite unique and niche which in turn makes it attractive. The aesthetics; divine, the prices; affordable, and they even offer lunch in the shape of some exceedingly enticing 'banh mi'. I love stumbling across places like this, its really satisfying and so much more exciting when you venture out of what you may normally be drawn towards.

I can wait to give MoBa a!

...I know, I know.

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