Saturday, 30 November 2013


We've all become cynics. Whether you realise it or not, everyone and anyone has at one point ridiculed the phenomenon that is - 'The Selfie'. But, why? Why does self appreciation have to be something to be embarassed about? 

9 times out of 10 a selfie is taken in the comfort of your own home, or just somewhere where you are comfortable in general; and 9 times out of 10 you're the only one in the room. If someone enters a room when I am mid-selfie, I try and style it out as if, you know, I look at my eBay watch list in front of the mirror all the time, and especially on occasions where my face looks aesthetically pleasing. You feel MORTIFIED. But then I guess its embarrassing because its 'unnatural', and what IS appreciating yourself is frowned upon because its so often misconstrued as being self obsessed or arrogant. 

- is it really that shameful?
Its OK to feel good about yourself. Its OK to take some time to 'Selfie-ppreciate'. 'The Selfie' is this taboo subject where people feel they have to ridicule themselves, or try to make out they feel openly guilty about taking one and posting it (hey, I'm one of those people) to lessen the blow on their self esteem if someone makes a cutting remark. Which in all honesty, is what 99% of us humans do when we feel a little vulnerable or insecure in social situations - we dive-bomb into the pool first to avoid being pushed in. Really, it all boils down to the whole 'caring about what other people think of us' malarkey. - which is a whole other SEA of fish.

AT THE END OF THE DAY - your'e taking the photo because you feel good about yourself! If I think I look particularly nice on a certain day, HELLS YEAH am I gonna indulge in some selfie action. 

...if anything, selfies are HEALTHY...(sealthy?!) I presume they do wonders for your emotional state and your confidence an'all. Also, its always nice to show off the face your mother hoarded around with her for millions of months way back when - even if it is from a deceptive angle! 

stay sealthy and dont do drugs. 
Peace aa't. 

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